Harbour cranes

Flow divider for up to consumers

Flow divider for up to consumers

The flow divider ensures load flow independent flow volume distribution for up to 6 consumers. The valve consists of an input section for the
pump connections A and B. One consumer can be controlled in both directions per section, making the flow divi-der type FDV-1X suitable for
double-acting consumers, e.g. Hydromotors on travel drives (forward backward). The load pressure independent volume flow distribution is
realized by pressure compensators and fixed orifices. Different division ratios can be realized by adapting the fixed orifices. The valve works
according to the LUDV principle, which enables simple adjustment of the division ratios and simple adjustment of the division accuracy.
The LHB-3E design offers the option of load compensation. If the volume flow with other designs increases with increasing pressure, this effect can be compensated or even overcompensated in this pipe rupture valve by additional valve technology. LHB-3E type valves are piloted hydraulically proportional or electrically proportional. A typical application is the luffing cylinder of mobile cranes.
WESSEL-HYDRAULIK – Your competent partner
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- Markus Tugendhat