
The throttle check valve TCV is generally suitable for setting the movement speed in a certain flow direction. Another application is to prevent cavitation and thus too high extending speed of cylinders, which are caused by pulling loads.


  • Low pressure losses during lifting operation
  • Adjustable throttling during lowering operation
  • Compact design
  • Directly flangeable on the cylinder

Technical specifications

DesignPort sizesMaximum pressureMaximum flow
TCV-1NSAE 3/4" 420 bar250 l/min

Example of application

Prevent cavitation on the stick cylinder

If an excavator picks up heavy loads with the bucket, there is a risk of cavitation on the bottom side of the stick cylinder when lowered. The reason is that the load forces the cylinder to extend quickly, but the main control valve does not deliver enough oil to the bottom side. Anti-cavitation valves prevent this! Excessive extending speeds are prevented by an adjustable resistor. A check valve allows lossless oil entry into the cylinder